Microphones are a great tool for a singer and using a microphone correctly is an important skill for a singer. Using a mic the right way not only protects your voice, but it can make a good performance great and a great performance incredible. If you use a mic the wrong way your audience may not be able to hear you, you may get unwanted feedback or you just may not get a good sound.
In these workshops you will learn proper mic technique as you learn how to sing into a microphone rather than at it. You will learn how to hold your microphone properly, how to set it up and how to take care of it. Additionally you will learn different tricks to enhance your voice and make you sound really professional. You will also learn to make the mic part of you and your voice instead of just a piece of equipment.
There are no pre-requisites for this workshop, although voice lessons are recommended. While it is not required to have your own microphone, you may want to own one so you can use it outside of the class and so you don't have to share with other singers. Each week students in the class will have the opportunity to sing for the group. For information on this class, please pick up a brochure in the office or go to register.
Learning good mic technique is so helpful to anyone that sings. It is also helpful for public speakers. Our mic technique class is a great way to learn to use a mic better. |